Wednesday, 8 June 2011

WOW: WIPs On Wednesdays

It’s still raining. I won’t complain as it is much needed in my garden. The camellias have stated blooming, it’s a wonderful light spot in the garden at the moment. With rain on the glass and the goings on outside cold and shivery – the WIP that comes to my mind is this: The Carriage.
This is a tapestry I started 20 years ago. Yes, 20 years ago. I still haven’t finished it. It was stretched over a tapestry rack, but I have taken to brief stints of hoop work by the window.
This winter I won’t be crocheting, I will be trying to get this done. It’s one of those things you can’t rush. Alas, it’s also one of those WIPs you can no longer purchase matching thread colors for, so I am always looking for tones when I pass an embroidery shop.

I hope to finish it this winter, quilty WIPs notwithstanding.

This is a weekly wednesday sharing feature that anyone can join. Simply add a photo and some text (if you like) concerning whatever you are doing - your WIP. To share your post, simply link to it below in the linky.

A WIP can be anything – sewing, quilting, baking, gardening. Whatever your particular WIP…share it!

Wherever you are in the world, make wednesdays your WIP sharing day. I will leave the link open so that everyone can join in on their wednesday!

Remember: link to your  WOW post- not your general blog URL . DO NOT link to a shop or any advertising


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  1. I am moving my sewing area, so my projects are put away. But once I get everything back to normal, I look forward to participating in your WIP Wednesdays.

  2. OMGosh...this is an awesome piece of tapestry...It will definitely be a work of art when!

    =) new follower =)

  3. Your tapestry is amazing so far--definitely an heirloom in the making.

    I had a little giggle about linking a post that's titled, "If it's Tuesday, it must be ..." to your WIPs on Wednesday list. I do love the international nature of blogland.

  4. Wow, 20 years in the making. I'm starting to think I should've kept some of my teenage projects to finish them now - I never thought I'd get back to this sort of crafty stuff, but it always seems to go in cycles....

  5. Oh thank you! This is my kind of WIP Wed - eclectic : )

    I fit right in! ; )
    lovely tapestry!
    fibre artist in Canada

  6. I think your tapestry will be gorgeous when finished and you will enjoy it the more knowing how long it took you.


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