Wednesday 31 October 2012

WOW: Block Tinkering

WOW = WIPS On Wednesdays

I've been arranging and re-arranging my quilt positions. I'm making 2x of Forget Me Not and although I've already decided on where I'll have each block, I have to keep checking and re-arranging just to make sure.

One block which has really been bothering me lately is Morning Glory.

Every time I looked at this block I wanted to change something. I purposely choose 4 instead of the usual focus of 3 in terms of symmetry - that wasn't what was bothering me. I looked over a few Morning Glory images and realised that it was the position that needed fixing. I think the Morning Glories are the wrong way up (well, maybe not the 'wrong way') but I must admit that after some unpicking and re-positioning....

I'm much happier now, with the Morning Glories
tumbling down
instead of trumpeting up
(and I also lost a leaf)

It's such a minor thing, but I feel so much better having adjusted this block. Now I'm done tinkering and get on with more important the next block!

How's your wednesday ? 


  1. Hi Esther,
    I am following along with your lovely free BOM, but I can't seem to download part 9, I've tried a number of times but it tells me the file is corrupted and will not open. Never had trouble in the past...any ideas?
    thanks Julie

  2. Your applique designs are so beautiful! I plan to try them one of these days.

  3. Your morning glories are beautiful no matter what way they point. I see mine from my hall window like your first ones.


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