Wednesday, 24 June 2015

WOW: Apple Core Quilt Progress

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

How sweetly is this little quilt coming along? I love the apple core pattern! The fabrics are gorgeous. I didn't know when they selected these fabrics if they would work, according to my own taste. But I've changed my mind. In fact, I'm really glad I'm making 2x at once. The real one with them in class and an extra one for myself. I think its perfectly charming so far and I'm looking forward to calling it finished in the next 3 weeks. 
Have you made an apple core quilt yourself? This is my first and I'm really taken by the charm of it.

What's Your WOW? 

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Very cute ! I love the colours you have used, never made an applecore but always admired them.

  2. I am busy cutting pieces for an apple core quilt but it will not be worked on until winter most likely. I want it to be totally scrappy and possibly a queen size so this will be a long term project

  3. It looks lovely in those colours Esther but no I have never made one; convex and concurves have never been a favourite of mine LOL. Cheers Glenda

  4. Love the fabrics. It's so bright and cheery.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. These colours are beautiful! It almost makes me wish I would have chosen these for my own applecore quilt..

  7. That looks lovely Esther! I Always love your work, but I wonder if you have a secret, for it seems to me there are more hours in your days than in mine! I'm simply jealous!
    Greetings from Holland, Mar

  8. wow they are beautiful.
    I love making apple core, they are here
    and here
    Have a nice wednesday and happy quilting, France

  9. Beautiful with that colors!!! I must give it a try too.

  10. Dear Esther

    Did you use templates or a die, to cut it? The colours is bright and beautiful. Have made one in coral/pink with white, still have to turn it into a quilt. Amazing, no matter how much we have on our plates, there is always room for more quilts, we want to make! I am enjoying your Oma's blues, it is inspiring me to start mine sooner than I have time to.

  11. So love the fabrics you picked for the Apple Cores.

  12. Your apple cores are lovely! I've admired that pattern, but haven't tried it yet myself. How big will the finished quilts be?

    1. We can't decide. The cores are 7.5 inches each, I think we'll settle on standard cot size

  13. Hi Esther! It's always so uplifting for me to see your beautiful fabric and color choices for any design! I'm inspired to give it a go (but, oh dear, I'm still so behind on LE and I've got a hexi quilt going, and on and on and on!).
    Are you sewing the apple core by machine or by hand?


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