Wednesday, 16 September 2015

WOW: Magnolia in Bloom

WOW = WIPs On Wednesday
Down my way the magnolia's are in bloom. Whenever I see them, I am just so delighted with how wonderful they are to look at. It reminds me that I have an important WIP to finish - my quilt Forget Me Not. I still haven't got that quilt top together, which is such a shame as I can't enjoy all the floral blocks if they aren't hanging on my wall! Here's my almost finished magnolia block, sitting around waiting to be quilted. 
I suppose this is what WOW is all about - WIP reminders. Now this quilt is on my mind whenever I look out the window. It doesn't look like I'll have a chance to get it done before this year is out, but at least it's not completely forgotten. 

I'd love to know, what triggers your own WIP reminders?

What's Your WOW?

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. didn't know you have magnolia trees in Australia too - they are very pretty aren't they.

    1. It's a teacup magnolia, it does well in Melbourne's strange seasons!

  2. Esther we have Magnolia trees here in Canada and when they are in bloom we know it's Spring. I love my two quilts with all the beautiful flowers I know yours will be spectacular.
    Hugs Bunny

    1. I hope mine is as nice as yours Bunny, I keep sending people to look at yours as I haven't done mine yet :)

  3. I so want to get back to mine also, Esther. All those blocks are so magnificently designed. Again thank you for your generosity in sharing them.

  4. I love to see every year the magnolias. Short but so beautiful! Yours s as beautiful too!

  5. I love your WIP - do you keep a paper list of quilts that you want to work on or complete, or do you keep a stack of projects?
    I keep a card stuck to the printer behind my PC with a list of projects I want to make / complete - as well as a stack of small WIPs in a cupboard so that they are easily to hand! I've been trying to reduce that pile, though, to free up some cupboard space!

    1. I have a chair of shame that all my projects live on, over and around. I cherry pick whatever I feel like doing from that chair! I do try to organise myself list wise too, up on my sidebar, but often what I can do is limited by sewing machine issues and things like that...

  6. I didn't know that Magnolia's would grow in Australia. They are such beautiful trees in the spring. Your magnolia block is almost as spectacular as the real thing. Hope you can find time to finish that project up soon.

    I have a list in Excel where I track all my projects. I made a quilt plan this year in hopes it would help me attack all the WIPs and UFOs on the list.

  7. I love Magnolia. Your block ist wonderful! Here in Germany they are blooming in May.
    My WIP? Oh, they are in my mind, any time. :-(((

  8. I love magnolia blossoms. Sometimes, here in Ohio, we call them tulip trees. No matter the name, they are beautiful. I am amazed at how you are able to create images with fabric, Esther. Your fabric magnolia is amazing.

  9. Your magnolias are so beautiful . . . both the live and fabric ones! I have a magnolia tree but the blossoms are creamy white -- no color except for the spot of yellow in the middle. The purple is yummy!! :)


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