WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
My own WOWs this week are extra special. I wish I could show you the exciting new designs I'm finishing up for next year right now, but I'm keeping them under wraps until the big reveal at the end of the month. What I can tell you is that 2018 is going to be my most beautiful, creative and inspiring yet. Phew, I can hardly wait. Those of you who have snapped up the Early Bird Special are in for a real treat.
Now, I can't show you what I'm getting up to behind the scenes, but I can do the next best thing. How about a Giveaway?! As a quilter I look at my hands a lot. My hands are busy active hands. Most of the time I'm so absorbed in my applique that I don't notice my neglected nails until I have to post pics up here on my blog. Then I get a bit taken aback and remind myself it's time to get around to a long overdue manicure. But you know, creative pursuits get in the way. At least, I have found the most perfect hand cream for quilting. Yes, I'm serious! Udderly Smooth is a quilter's dream. It deeply moisturizers hands without a hint of greasiness and within just minutes I can go back to handling fabrics without any worry of staining or smearing. It sounds too good to be true, so I suppose you'll have to test it for yourself.

Today I'm giving away 10 x Udderly Smooth Hand Creams to 10 x lucky readers. And I'll ship it anywhere in the world. It's a somewhat underwhelming looking cream, but I assure you, once you try it, it'll become a staple product in your sewing studio.
Fancy winning one yourself? Simply leave a comment below. 10 winners will be drawn by random number generation on Friday and announced at the bottom of this post as an "update". Goodluck!
What's Your WOW?
Update: Winners Selected 6 October!
Karen Quilts
Wattle Girl
Sylvie Jourdan
Angie in So Cal
Jennifer Fulton
Dianne Kummelman
Congrats everyone! Please check your email. Those of you without a blogger account linked to your email, please contact me directly - see my reply message below your comment.
I have not used that hand cream but I do believe I have seen it in some of the shops - been reading your blog ever since Love Entwined made it's debut.
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Karen, I have just emailed you. Have a great weekend, :)
DeleteI struggle to find a hand cream that leaves my hands smooth so threads don't catch and unthread my needles! At the moment they are like sandpaper and its not even Winter yet here - aargh! Its good to know that you recommend this. Sue, Northumberland, UK
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Sue! I cannot email you because your blogger profile does not link up to your email address. When you see this message, please email me at to claim your prize :)
DeleteNow that I am learning to do the fusible applique my fingers need a smooth cream to soften them up. Dianna In USA
ReplyDeleteThis is great hand cream.
ReplyDeleteWe use that stuff on our cows udders. It is amazing!
ReplyDeleteI have seen this cream around for years but h e never tried it..thanks for chance to win one!!
ReplyDeleteWith so much appliqueing, I could use some seriously good handcream
ReplyDeleteGreat timing. Just today at my Applique Group meeting I was telling the girls how wonderful your patterns were. Next I can tell them how generous you are too. I simply love your patterns and gifts. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy WOW is sitting in the Sun under a tree in the sun. Hand Quilting. Bees humming. Occasional birds call. It's warm, so much nicer than being inside. Hope nicer days come soon!
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Wattle Girl! I cannot email you because your blogger profile does not link up to your email address. When you see this message, please email me at to claim your prize :)
DeleteI have seen this product but have not had a chance to try it yet. Thanks so much for the opportunity
ReplyDeleteIt is good cream. Thanks for a giveaway.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the new BOM
ReplyDeleteI haven't found a hand cream yet that actually helps my dry hands. I have just blamed it on old
ReplyDeleteI’ve used it and it is utterly wonderful!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun name -- and a great review. I'd love to try it. Thanks for sharing SO much with us.
ReplyDeleteI love this cream. Currently appliquing dragon flies on a round robin
ReplyDeleteI've already signed up for the 2018 bundle and I can hardly wait! I know I'll be doing so much hand work that I won't have time for a manicure either so your offer is my best deal! Thanks so much for your generosity in patterns and life's necessities.
ReplyDeleteI have never tried this but suffer from very dry hands a lot. I am always leery of handling things after using hand cream.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway. I'm always trying creams for my oh so dry skin. Thanks for the chance, Esther!
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Angie, I have just emailed you. Have a great weekend, :)
DeleteBecause of your blog I meet a lot of quilters over the world. Thank you
ReplyDeleteThe hand cream looks really nice! I'm intrigued emilyste7ens at gmail dot com
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the new BOMS. Thanks for this giveaway. I love creams and I don't know this.
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Sylvie! I cannot email you because your blogger profile does not link up to your email address. When you see this message, please email me at to claim your prize :)
DeleteHmm I have quite a few projects on the go, so I cant play favourites and name one. Hahaha. I will say however priority is presently given too the very snuggly quilt program ones. Maybe if I live to be a few hundred years old I will get all my "wants" done. Or maybe not as I keep seeing so many more I just have to make. Lol
ReplyDeleteHaven't needed hand cream for most of my life - but now, as I age, I realize that it is very important as the fabrics absorb all the oils, my skin is making and my hands become very dry. Would love to try this hand cream.
ReplyDeleteI sure could of used this while hand quilting my Love Entwined!
ReplyDeleteDiane Kummelman
You're a winner Diane! I cannot email you because your blogger profile does not link up to your email address. When you see this message, please email me at to claim your prize :)
DeleteI'd love to give this a try. With winter coming up, my hands get even more dry and I have lots of applique on my 'to do' list for this winter.
ReplyDeleteNow that I work in a quilt store and handle fabrics every day, I think more and more about hand creams. This one definitely seems one worth trying!
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Jennifer, I have just emailed you. Have a great weekend, :)
DeleteI have heard of the cream but have never used it. My husband's hands get quite dry during the winter so maybe we could share it... :)
ReplyDeleteHi Esther,
ReplyDeleteIt is so funny you mention this hand cream today. Just yesterday I was looking at how dry my hands are. I would love to win one - thank you so much for offering them. ~smile~ Roseanne
You're a winner Roseanne, I have just emailed you. Have a great weekend, :)
DeleteThank you so much, Esther! I look forward to giving this a try and I will be happy to report back. ~smile~ Roseanne
DeleteI always appreciate learning about new products. Arizona is very dry and good hand creams are needy. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI have heard of this cream, but never tried it! Thank you, Susan
ReplyDeleteI've seen this at quilt shows, but spent my money on fabric :O !! My hands get terribly dry and cracked during the colder weather, and I've heard we're supposed to have a rough one this year.
ReplyDeleteI've always been hesitant to try this, but I'll definitely give it a go to keep those hands moisturized. Thanks for the great endorsement.
ReplyDeleteDry hands are not conducive to sewing and quilting. I'd be thrilled to win a tube of this udderly moisturizing cream. Thank you for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteSew Preeti Quilts
I'm always looking for a good hand cream, because it's so bad to handle fabrics with dry hands. Thank you for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Tubbakk, I have just emailed you. Have a great weekend, :)
DeleteI would love to try this hand cream. Thanks for the chance to win some!
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to the the BOM next year, and I love hand cream.
ReplyDeleteYou're a winner Fran! I cannot email you because your blogger profile does not link up to your email address. When you see this message, please email me at to claim your prize :)
DeleteMoo Cream as it is called in our house, is used by everyone! Not just on hands but feet to. It works well on cows and somehow this one hopped the line and people started to use it too. Esther what a wonderful giveaway. Hope everyone who has never tried this before wins.
ReplyDeleteI am having big problems with cracking fingertips for the first time! I don't know what is going on, but it really is irritating. I'd love to try this cream!