Wednesday, 21 March 2018

WOW: Bouncing Back After The Flu

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
This past week I've been battling a nasty virus, coughing and spluttering and trying to rest as much as possible. It seems like everyone has a bout of something at the moment so I've been staying indoors determined not to spread whatever it is I have.

Today I'm finally out of bed, although still a bit woozy. I'm planning to conquer this messy corner of mine. It's full of fabrics that I tried to shelve in some kind of 'style' or colour blocking, but it's not working for me. I've decided to pack all these fabrics away and leave this shelf area for my WIPs exclusively. Yes, I'm serious. I have so many projects on the go, my usual WIP chair that I usually drape projects on and around simply can't cope. It's time to get organized and upgrade to an entire shelf.

Also, I just realized that it's Easter in just over a week. So I have to get cracking with my annual Easter Project.. as soon as I make some shelf space for it.

What's Your WOW?

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Oh, Esther -- being sick when you have creative plans is just the worst, isn't it? If you're like me, though, rearranging your fabrics and creating a better organized staging area for your WIPs will probably give you a big boost of creative energy. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  2. So sorry you have been laid low Esther special as you were on such a roll with Morning Glory. I'm still looking through my stash for a yellow I know I have some where to add to the final binding of my Morning Glory LOL Hope you don't forget where you put this lovely stash of fabrics! Cheers Glenda

  3. Hi Esther,
    I am sorry you are feeling poorly. That is a lot to tackle when you are just on the mend. I hope you take it slowly, rest when you need to and enjoy some nice hot tea during the process. {{Hugs}} I can't wait to see your Easter project. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. Glad to hear you're on the mend, take it easy, no relapses for you! God bless

  5. Frequent reorganizing in the sewing room is so vital. It will be great to see your UFOs stacked there instead. Thanks for the peak inside your sewing/fabric space.

  6. Glad to hear you're back on the mend, and making some headway with your organizing. It's never occurred to me to put fabric away for a while, but this is what we did when the children were small. We rotated their toys. Will this also make the fabric more appealing when we get it back out? Maybe. Hope you feel much better soon.


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