Wednesday, 29 August 2018

WOW: Running Out Of Walls!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I love Wednesdays because I have the whole day set aside just to work on WIPs and make some progress on those designs I know I want to see finished... err, in my lifetime. I used to have a 'schedule' but I'm over that now. I find I get so much more done when I work on what I feel like doing rather than what I should be doing, so although I don't have any finishes to show for my Wednesdays yet, I am plodding along nicely across several projects.

Today I'm working on some new designs I'm keeping under wraps, so I thought I would show you to view from my sewing room. Above is my design wall with Morning Glory blocks sitting around patiently waiting for me. Outside my room, I have started spreading to the corridor walls as I'm out of space for hanging up my designs. My family can't understand why I need to keep spreading my creativity through the house like this, but little do they know, I haven't even started! Today I intend to take over the whole dining room table with my Brother Scan n Cut machine... I don't need another sewing studio, I need a whole other house!

What's Your WOW?

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. Dear Esther

    We are all in the same boat. Trying to find more space to do all our projects and time. How is the new scan and cut working out? Is it making the process easier and gifting you with more time? What is the largest piece it can cut? Preparation always takes the longest on all projects. Looking forward to seeing your Love Always. LE has me in its grip at the moment. Have not fallen out of love with it. What an amazing challenge, enjoying every moment of the journey.

    1. I'm still playing around with it. I will do a proper review on it after a few big projects so I can opinion on whether I think it's worth $600. I intend to cut all 3 x of my Love Always quilts on it, which will be an epic feat. After that, I'll know everything I need to!

  2. I did read how the hubby of one quilter did buy the house next-door so he could have his home back Esther LOL

    1. I've creeped onto the kitchen walls now, so I'll have to let my DH know this is an option for him! I sometimes think it would work better if we had a guest house!!!

    2. LOL Ive moved down stairs and taken the unit over completely but have sneaked in to the guests bedroom upstairs to of late LOL

  3. I actually saw an article about a woman in California who bought the house next door to make into her quilting retreat. All her quilting materials were there and she had space for friends to come sew--and a kitchen to make snacks! Heaven!

  4. This made me LAUGH!! No, my sewing room does not contain my sewing projects, either. The armoire in the bedroom is packed full of threads and WIPs and sewing tools, and there is an applique project WIP piled on top of the machines in the laundry room, and no guests are welcome at the moment as the guest room bed is covered in blocks for another WIP quilt and the shelving in that room is packed full of planned garment fabrics and patterns... Soon the rest of my family will be completely displaced to tents in the yard as the WHOLE HOME becomes my sewing palace... Mwa-ha-ha-ha!!!!

    1. Exactly! My DH suggested we get a 'granny flat' for the backyard which is a small 1 bedroom kind of guest house. And I thought that was a great idea... for HIM! Meanwhile I can reside with all my fabrics in the 'main house' !!

      I mean, as if my stuff would fit in a 1 bedroom guest house?!!

    2. Ohhh Esther thats so so funny LOL

  5. Fun post, and yes indeed it's an issue, all this people inside the sewing house ;))

  6. What are you using for a design wall?

    1. I just pinned fabric to the whole side of a wall and then pin onto that!

  7. Ah,Esther je comprend bien la situation,une grande maison alors!
    Vous avez tant de projet

  8. Your message made me laugh. Yep need a whole new house to fit all our quilting stuff, design boards and equipment. Now that I finally have gotten back to quilting and blogging again I have stuff spread all over the upstairs area where I basically live, sew, quilt and work.

    1. Exactly! I need more room, lots more room..


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